There is a Kingdom (Part II)

Sometimes, the hardest thing for us to grasp is that the scope is often wider than many of the things we have associated with “godliness”. The fact is that when we think of godliness, we think about the niceties that a religious mindset tends to promise – peace, harmony with nature, love of others, prosperity, inner or spiritual strength, divine favour – but while these things are nice, the scope of belonging to God’s kingdom is much larger, much more encompassing than these fickle things that every religion on earth promises in a bid to win men over.

The reality of the Kingdom of God is that it is one that seeks to win over the souls of men and bring them into harmony with God – the very reason every man is designed for.

The reality of the kingdom of God is that it has an Adversary, an enemy who is skilled, who will fight relentlessly and who will stop at nothing to ensure that men are not won over into the Kingdom of God. The challenge for each party on either side of the divide is that alliance cannot be forced. You see, the greatest force in the universe, after Love, (simply because GOD IS LOVE and not because of the appeal of its fuzzy sub-optimal human expression) is CHOICE. By default, we are born into darkness, but as we grow in maturity and understanding, every man must CHOOSE his alliance; whether he will remain in alliance to the darkness he was born into, or whether, by choice, he will switch over and embrace the Kingdom of light.

And this is where it can get a bit complicated because the Enemy is cunning.

The issue is not about if one is a “good Christian” or if one regularly attends a service. The issue is not if a person is a worker in a denomination or if one gives actively for a good cause. The Kingdom is much wider in scope. The real issue is that all around us, the Enemy is working to expand the boundaries of evil and through ignorance, many align with him without even knowing – including those who have pledged alliance to the Kingdom of God. The real battle is for the soul of men and what this implies is that there is a battle to continuously shift the desires of men towards darkness.

This goes beyond spiritual warfare prayers on a Sunday morning to more complicated things like the setting up of businesses that will fund political parties to pass laws that will erode morality. This goes beyond the giving of tithes to the setting up of trusts and foundations that will fund research into the control of the will and desires of men through advanced technology and the media. This goes beyond fasting three times a week to setting up educational institutions that will shape the thinking of the next generation and make them love evil in all its shapes and forms. This goes beyond “claiming the blessings” to understanding the human brain and using films, cartoons and ads to continually suggest evil to the minds of men, till madness and all that is vile becomes normal.

This goes beyond faithful choir practice for songs that will be sung once a week to setting up cliques and cabals in the entertainment industry, with the intention of stifling what is wholesome in the minds of people, so that decent is boring and what is fun is the obscene - "for there are those who have made great investment to ensure that when your flesh fails, you will not be going to a good place" - Trey Smith.

Friend, we are at war…


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