Beyond Joy...
Many talk about the “joy of salvation”. I have never felt
the joy at any of the several points when I came back to Christ or had a “re-dedication”
to God, as well as the numerous times I have confessed sins and come back to
the walk with God. In one of the (several) denominations I attended, we had
been told that when one became a “Christian”, (I prefer “Disciple” or
God-chaser because it implies a journey or continuum) the new convert would experience
the “joy of salvation”, which was supposed to be proof that they were actually “saved”.
Well, I have come to realise that this esoteric “joy of
salvation” is as much of an evidence for salvation as speaking in tongues is an
evidence of being baptised with the Holy Spirit. It just does not happen for
However, in my walk, I have come into “places” of joy in
God. Often I have spent time with God or in study of the word – or even walked
across a threshold or “wide place”. At these points, the world becomes a
wonderful place; no one can do me wrong, everyone appears to be smiling, the
proverbial grass seems greener, the rain feels great on my skin and the sun
itself shines down at just the right angle. The birds sing sweetly in the
trees, monkeys jump happily from branch to branch and all of creations is in
one wondrous symphony – though you are actually sitting in the confines of your
office. This feeling of joy, which is not based on money, a promotion, or
anything physical, can become contagious. Often when you smile at people, they
tend to smile back and feel relaxed around you.
The challenge, however, is that this joy fades…
At some point, we don’t feel as “charged” as we would love
to feel. Suddenly, we have more than a plateful of challenges to deal with and
tough circumstances come our way. We do not even realise that we have slipped
from gratitude to pain that leads us to asking “why” again and again.
Often, many begin to seek for the “joy” they once had. They
quickly retrace their steps with prayer, fasting, word study and doing all the “right
things” – and often find no release because
they seek the wrong thing.
The object of our search is not joy. It is God. Joy, peace,
wealth and whatever comes in that quest is a by-product of chasing the
substance, the reality of who God is and being in fellowship with HIM.
At some point in your journey, you will move beyond joy to
peace based on understanding that we walk by faith and not by feelings, no
matter how powerful these may appear to be – and it is the peace of God, based
on understanding HIM, that will keep your heart.
May you never lack for strength on your journey…
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